
[Shinchonji To the World] South Korea's 'anointed' one, Man Hee Lee, to visit Southland

Spiritual leader Man Hee Lee, greeting followers in Berlin

South Korea's 'anointed' one, Man Hee Lee of Shinchonji, to visit Southland

It could be on a par with a Billy Graham revival as later this month a Southland church hosts a South Korean religious leader, whose increasing worldwide following of all races fervently believe Jesus has commanded him to testify about the Revelation.
On July 21, The Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, will host a lecture from the Christian Instructor Man Hee Lee, spiritual leader and founder of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (which derives its name from Revelation 15:5), who will testify to the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies — specifically to the time of the end in Matthew 13 and 24, and the entire book of Revelation.
Monai Thornton, a 24-year-old African-American Long Beach, Cal State university student, will be one of the expected throng to hear his “truth.”
According to the Tabernacle’s lightmeetslight.com website, Lee is a descendant of a Korean royal family of the Joseon Dynasty with a lineage tracing back 500 years.
Born in 1931 in the rural town of Gyeongbuk Cheongdo, as the 7th of 12 sons, it is said his grandfather saw a radiant light shining upon Lee’s mother, and named him Man Hee, meaning light.
A former member of the Korean Special Forces, it’s claimed Lee’s transformation came in the midst of prayer when a huge star came down and a bright heavenly figure appeared, introduced himself as Jesus and anointed him.
“According to his command, I went to a church named the Tabernacle Temple in Cheongdo where I saw and heard the events right before my very eyes that were fulfilling Revelation. What I am testifying to is the fulfillment of Revelation.”
Lee’s Tabernacle of the Testimony, headquartered in South Korea with 53 church branches, boasts 140,000 worldwide members, and claims to have established 300 seminary schools, graduating more than 85,000 students.
His Open Bible Seminars, like the one scheduled in Garden Grove, draw thousands of attendees; he testified in Europe in May when over 500 pastors heard him speak in Berlin, and has a return engagement on July 4.
“I’ve learned so much from these bible studies, and the reason is because of this person,” said Thornton, who first attended a Tabernacle seminar through a friend.
“He has seen and heard the events in Revelation. A lot of the time stuff in the bible doesn’t make sense and it’s hard too understand. So, you get bogged down and you’re like I can never understand God. But he makes it so easy; it’s really grown my faith and I feel like a new person.”
Thornton, who said she is “excited, happy and curious,” with the prospect of seeing Lee in person, dismissed any idea that the Tabernacle might be some sort of cult.
“No, we believe in God as Christians,” she replied. “We’re not following him like he’s Jesus or anything like that. He’s teaching us a lot, so we give him gratitude. We’re not trying to raise him up like he’s some kind of grand person. We’re not going to move off into the middle of nowhere or something like that.”

source: http://wavenewspapers.com/news/local/west_edition/article_f35171d6-c6f5-11e1-a361-001a4bcf6878.html#user-comment-area

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