
[Shinchonji Quotes] The Lamp and Oil to Receive Jesus at His Second Coming

... At the time of the First Coming, the Jews failed to receive their God as their groom despite having the Old Testament (prophecies). This was due to their lack of understanding of the words of the promise. Likewise today, if one does not know the returning path of the Lord and the promised pastor, they will be unable to recognize God, the Holy City of New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, and Jesus when they come and only become persecutors. Without the proper teaching, the pastors of each denomination will be held responsible for their members’ ignorance. The Bible even promises after which events and to whom heaven, God and Jesus would come (Rv 3:12).
The word of the New Testament is the path, the lamp and the light the Lord uses to return. The oil of the Holy Spirit is the revealed word, which is the evidence of the fulfillment of Revelation. Being part of the fulfillment (the physical realities and entities) transpires as, being reborn in a new image as the new covenant is fulfilled in you. The eligibility of receiving the Lord at the wedding banquet is preparing the lamp and the oil, and acting in accordance to the prophecy and its physical fulfillment. 
Source: http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool?t__nil_cafemy=item

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