
[Shinchonji News] The Worship of the Feast of Tabernacles Led by the Chairman Lee Man Hee

July 14, 2013 Lee Man Hee, the chairman of Shinchonji Church of Jesus gave a sermon under the title of "The meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles".
Making a reference to the Scripture, chairman Lee said, "All men are like grass, and men's lives are like the flowers that wither and fall. We gather here as being symbolic of a tabernacle of today." And he continued that every man will come to worship this Tabernacle of Testimony after being harvested according to the book of Revelation.

Chairman, Lee Man Hee preached, "The world has been under the rule of Satan since Adam's sin, and once the Satan's being seized into the prison, there will be no more war. Adding, "If  Joshua had given them rest, we would not be waiting for another day. This is yet to be fulfilled, never has happened before. If we enter the rest, we should be comfortable, but we are still in the war, which means no rest." and he also stressed that religious war and social conflicts will definitely come to an end only when God's will be accomplished. It means that God's ultimate purpose is the rest and peace. 

He did not forget to pray for the pastors around the world who are keen to study the revealed words of Shinchonji and as well as for those who work for Shinchonji.

The world is paying great attention to Shinchonji after the chairman's 5 times travels to the western and the southern regions to preach the revealed words. 

Now, Shinchonji is receiving the incessant inquiries from the foreign pastors who are eager to study Shinchonji's revealed words. Among them were some of the world renowned leaders, which proves that Shinchonji is the only true place to be acknowledged by God.

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