
[Shinchonji Quotes] Is the Chairman Man Hee Lee a Cult Leader?

What is religion? In Chinese character(宗敎), it is analyzed as 'To show the will of God, who is the father in heaven and teach the way how to do the filial duty to him'. On that note, what true religion is not to fulfill man's will but God's will. That is why the master of the religion is God. A man cannot be the owner of a religion.If a man blames somebody for being the leader of a specific denomination, he proves himself not knowing the true meaning of the word 'religion'. 

2000 years ago, Jesus came onto the earth as the chosen pastor(Lk1:32) and said,"I and the Father are one(Jn10:35). and Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father(Jn14:9). It was because the Spirit of God was dwelling within Jesus himself. However, the Jews misunderstood what Jesus truly meant and it led them to persecute Jesus as being blasphemy.

That is the same with today's case. Even though people criticize Lee Man Hee, the chairman of Shinchonji as being the leader of Shinchonji, that surely is not the case. Just as Jesus was the chosen pastor, who was sent by God(Jn17:8) to testify the fulfillment of the old testament, the chairman Man Hee Lee is also the pastor chosen by God to deliver the fulfillment of the book of revelation. 
Fulfilling what he had been commanded by God, he has overcome Satan and finally become qualified for receiving all the inheritance from God just as recorded in Rv. 2 and 3. 
He never claimed himself as Jesus nor God. He is none other than the chosen pastor, within whom God and Jesus is dwelling to perform God's will. As mentioned from above, a man can never be the owner of a religion.

If you truly understand the meaning of the phrase from Mt23:39 that 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.', you might not wonder about why Shinchonji is testifying about the one and only chosen pastor fulfilling God's will. 
Come and hear the testimony of Shinchonji in person, and you will get a clear understanding of what is true. 

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