
[Shinchonji Quotes] The Word of Life written by the chosen pastor Man Hee Lee

... All people on earth today (believers) know the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but they do not know the New Testament, just as Revelation 5 explains. Since no one know, not even one person, believers have only taught and learned the teachings of man. They come close to the Lord with their lips, but their hearts are far from the Lord.

What believers today must know is not the Old Testament, but the New Testament and its revelation. Believers have been under the fulfillment of the Old Testament until the faith of the New Testament, which should be revealed, comes. But when the faith of the revelation in the New Testament comes, they will no longer be under the supervision of the Old Testament fulfillment, but they will dwell in the faith of the revelation in the New Testament. One will complete his life of faith by believing in the revelation of the New Testament. This is why the scripture says if one adds to and/or subtracts from Revelation, he will be unable to go to heaven and will be cursed(Rv22:18~19). Is this word a lie? Ask yourself. Ask yourself whether you have added or subtracted from revelation.

The promised pastor in Shinchonji has received the revelation of heaven according to Revelation 10. He is making known this revelation just as he was commanded to do. Whoever goes against this and does not like the promise revelation does so because the spirit of the devil is inside them. The reason why the spirit of the devil is inside is because they are born again of God's seed, will God's spirit, the holy spirit, be able to dwell with them.

The word in the beginning is God, and it is life. God's seed of life is God's word (Lk8:11). Those who are born of God's seed are God's sons(children), and they are qualified to call God, Father. These people are not the old self, but they are the re-born new creations and the people of God's kingdom (heaven). All saints must enter into the word of the revelation in the New Testament, and they must become God's family, in order to be qualified to go to heaven.

If anyone thinks they are carrying out a true life of faith, and they are qualified to go to heaven, they will be able to know whether their spirit is in darkness/night or in light/day, by taking a test with the words of the revelation in the New Testament (1The 5). Are you confident about this test?

The true promised pastor, who received the revelation - the living bread from heaven - prays for all people that they will receive the revelation, and will become the family of heaven by understanding and believing in the true will of heaven.

Source: Healing All Nations

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