
[Shinchonji News] The Unforgettable Day, When I First Met with the Chairman Man Hee Lee

I am from Congo in Africa. Since my childhood, I used to be a Roman Cathoic and have reverted to the Protestantism after being a grown-up. Since then, I was earnest in pursuing all church activities as well as participating in worship services for 7 years in Bremen in Germany. Nevertheless, I've been praying in tears for the will and righteousness of God.

In my prayer, I received the answer saying. "Leave Bremen!". Even though I had no idea where to go, I prayed desperately and received the answer, "Leave for Berlin!". I obeyed the message by moving to Berlin despite hardship surrounding myself. The fact that nowhere I could hear the true word of God, however, even made me stuck in the bathroom during the preaching time. 

My prayer was only that I do never want to attend the church without true word of God. One day at the end of 2010, I met one sister, and it was the very turning point of my religious life. At the first encounter, she asked me 3 questions.
1. Do you understand Mat.24:29?
2. Do you want to know the answer for that?
3. Do you want to learn the word of God?

The answer to the first question was 'no' and I was so desperate to say that I want to learn the word of God. With her, I started the one on one bible study and it was not long after that I found the reason God sent me to Berlin. He had such a pity on me and grace who was in deep spiritual hunger. In May 2011, I entered Zion Mission Center and started to learn the revealed word of God in earnest.

After starting off the center course, I've got sick seriously. I was afraid that I might not complete the course, but prayers of the instructor and colleagues enabled me to get through all the hardship. After finishing off the elementary course exam, I came to pray, "Please let me meet with the Chosen Pastor only once!".

May 12, 2012 The Unforgettable Day, When I Met with the Chosen Pastor in My Life

What a surprise that the Chosen Pastor is coming to Europe! I couldn't believe that this was going to happen. 10 days before his coming, I already began to attend the Shinchonji Church of Jesus.
May 12, 2012 is the most memorable day in my life since I met with the chairman Man Hee Lee up close in person for the first time.
The venue for the open bible seminar in Berlin was filled with the excitement of over 600 people and press teams. From the moment he appeared on the lecture stage, the audience was attracted to the words of him. In a powerful voice, he interpreted the whole Bible without any teaching plan. Even after ending the lecture, the audience did not leave there with being occupied with listening to his answer to the questions.
Chairman Man Hee Lee, who began the lecture by saying, “Brothers of Europe, I am here to testify God’s Word as promised in the Bible, in Matthew 24 and Matthew 13, and the Book of Revelation,” gave a passionate lecture for about two hours, without even taking a sip of water.

On that day, the chairman Man Hee Lee had spent 7 hours in total preaching the words, 2 hours for lecturing and 5 hours for Q&A session and the interview.
He did not show any trace of tiredness even after 7-hour-long lecture, which must be challenging even for the young people. Rather, he became more earnest and powerful in his message as time went on. His face was glowing in brightness and looked so happy. I felt the same way.
After the whole session completed, people flocked toward the chairman Lee to see him up close. They begged him to come to their churches and denominations to preach the word of God. 
Among them, I approached him on my knees. The chairman Man Hee Lee handed over his hand to me and said,"We are one family born of God's seed."

I have one and only prayer to pray that I want to live forever with God, Jesus and the chosen pastor in God's kingdom, Shinchonji. I swear that we the graduates make sure to accomplish world peace with the true word of God. We are to live forever in the kingdom of God. I offer the glory to God and Jesus who accepted me as His child, having pity on me who was longing for the true word of God. And I also appreciate the chairman Lee for offering me the opportunity to become God's true family. And Thank you, all the Shinchonji members!

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