
[Shinchonji To the World] Korean peace advocate, Man Hee Lee visits Laguna

Biñan City, Laguna - Man Hee Lee, the South Korean religious leader who advocates world peace, conducted on Friday a seminar on peace efforts at the St. Augustine College Auditorium, here.
Lee, who established the "Shincheonji Church of Jesus, is a well-known leader of the South Korean Peace Activists.
Speaking before an audience of 2,000, Lee said world peace could be achieved by encouraging world leaders and heads of other religious organizations to sign an international law based on the Bible.
The man who claim he was able to meet Jesus personally, was accompanied and assisted by the members of his religious organization.
In his visits to countries around the world, Lee shares the events in the Book of Revelation and teaches the key to ending global wars.
He particularly mobilizes the youth as instruments in achieving world peace and enjoins world leaders to obey the teachings of the Bible.

Source: http://lightofshincheonji.blogspot.kr/2013/07/shincheonji-to-world-korean-peace.html

[About Shinchonji] Man Hee Lee, a young man story

There was a young man who was born with the light of the heavens.

The name of a young man was 'Man Hee Lee'.

Man Hee Lee was born in a farming family in Gyeongbuk Cheongdo, on September 15, 1931, and he was the descendant of royalty from the Joseon Dynasty.

His name was given to him by his grandfather, who had supposedly dreamt of a light emerging from the heavens before Lee was born.

Man Hee Lee was thus  named "Man(萬) Hee(熙)", which means a complete and perfect light.

While praying, he met a star for three days, and he met a person from the heavens through the guidance of this star. He vowed his loyalty to God with his blood, and began his life of faith.

 While carrying on his life of faith, he returned to his hometown in the countryside and stayed there for the next 7 years.

On the 7th year, he greeted the Lord who came in the midst of the clouds in the heavens, and was guided to the Tabernacle Temple by the words of the Lord’s commands; this was the church he was carrying out his life of faith previously. 
As recorded in Rv 2 and 3, he sent letters to urge repentance from the Tabernacle Temple's seven messengers, called “the seven stars,” according to the Lord’s command. But the seven messengers simply ignored him and the content of the letters, and did not accept them.

The young man, who had sent letters as described in Rv 2 and 3, saw and heard this event at the location of fulfillment. 

There are three mysteries and three types of plagues in the Book of Revelation. These are the three things that apply to the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior.

But what should be understood is that these three things are made known only to the promised pastor.

The reality to the fulfillment of the prophecies of Revelation can be seen starting from Rv 1, as the people and their actions appear as the reality to the prophecies.

Let us have faith based on knowledge. 
Let us not add to or subtract from Revelation.

This story is Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Shincheonji ;
Jesus who fulfilled the New Testament (Revelation) sent his messenger to the churches to testify (to the revealed word of reality, the fulfillment of Revelation). The messenger who speaks on Jesus’ behalf saw and heard the events of Revelation’s fulfillment where these events took place.