
[Shinchonji Quotes] The Corrupted Orthodoxy in Each of the Eras

The Corrupted Orthodoxy
In Each of the Eras

Main reference: Mt 5:11-12, Acts 7:51-53, Mt 23:30-33

Let us not just say, ‘Lord, Lord,’ with our lips, but correctly know and believe God and His Will!

 Betrayal of Adam’s World and Salvation of Noah’s Family
Although Adam and Eve had inherited everything under the heavens, they became Satan the Devil’s possession because they betrayed; this is why God had to leave Adams world (Gn 6). After leaving Adams world, God came to Noah who was the 9th descendant of Adam. And it was through Noah whom God warned the people regarding the coming flood of destruction. Despite all this, the world of Adam still did not believe in Noahs warning.
Why did they not believe in his words? It was because they did not realize that they were sinners through Adam, that God had already left them, and that the God who left them was now with Noah. They insisted that they were the orthodoxy and that they were the chosen people of God whom He created; these are the reasons that they did not believe Noah, and believed that God was still with them.

As promised to Noah, God judged Adam’s world, the world that became full of sin and evil, with a flood. They, who probably called Noah “crazy” for building the ark, drowned in the flood while looking at the ark. It was too late for them to regret not believing in his words.
At the time of Noah, the families of Adam’s world had not perceived their sins, God’s departure from them, and that the God of salvation was with Noah. Their thoughts of being the chosen people and the orthodoxy and that God was still with them were nothing but delusions.

Only Noah’s family of 8 received salvation at the time of the destruction of Adam’s world.

● Betrayal of Noah’s World
Noah’s world, saved by getting on the ark, was the people who watched Adam’s world die in the flood due to their betrayal. But even Noah’s world ended up committing sin as Ham, Noah’s second son, received the spirit of the snake and pointed out the nakedness of his father Noah; this is just like how the snake deceived Eve in Adam’s world (The snake told them that they were naked, Ref: Gn 3:7-13). And in the same way that Adam and Eve, deceived by the snake, were cursed, Ham and Canaan were also cursed. Although Noah’s family of eight were the only ones who were saved while numerous people of Adam’s world were wiped away in the flood, Noah’s world, through Noah’s son Ham, committed the same act of the snake.

 Promise with Abraham, and Salvation through Moses
God left Noah’s world and made known future event to Noah’s 10th descendant Abraham (Gn 15). Abraham’s descendants ended up going to Egypt because of this, and the Israelites were led out by Moses after four generations since entering into Egypt. After coming out of Egypt, the Israelites destroyed (conquered) and ruled over Ham’s descendants, the world of Canaan.

 Betrayal of Israel, Moses’ world, and the promise of God and the Old Testament prophets
God made a covenant with Israel, the world of Moses (Ex 19:5-6). But that covenant was broken as they did not keep the covenant and as they worshiped and bowed to the gentile gods at the time of Solomon. Israel, made up of 11 tribes, and the tribe of Judah (Jerusalem) violated and betrayed the covenant like Adam (Hos 6:7). However, God did not give up and began to give promises regarding future events starting at that time to the prophets of the Old Testament, and this promise is the Old Testament.

 The Era of the Gospel of Heaven of Jesus’ First Coming (Spiritual Israel), and the New Testament
God conveyed this promise to Israel that betrayed for the next 600~700 years, and came to Jesus to do a new work (thing).
What is the new work? Although God used people who were born with the genes of Adam who had sinned, but they ended up betraying because of their element of sin. Thus, God made known that He will appointed someone born with God’s seed (Jesus), not of man, to do a new work (Jer 31:22). About 600 years after at the appointed time, God came to Mary (virgin) and gave birth to a son through the holy spirit of God, and Spiritual Israel began at the time of Jesus (Ref: Jn 1:12-13); this is the new work.

God fulfilled what was promised through the Old Testament by coming to His Son born with His seed (Jn 19:30), and further promised what were to be fulfilled in the future (harvest and the creation of a new kingdom, Mt 13:30, Heb 8:10), and this is the New Testament.
At this time, the people of Physical Israel did not realize that they broke the covenant through their transgression at the time of Solomon (1 Kings 11), and that they were sinners who betrayed by worshipping gentiles gods. Rather, they still believed that they were the orthodoxy and the chosen people, while they did not know that God had already left them, and they called Jesus a cult. Just like Adams’ world that was destroyed through the flood, they still considered themselves the orthodoxy and God’s chosen people. But they did not know themselves as they called Jesus a cult and demon-possessed for not being one with them.
Jesus explained to them that they had become the children of Satan and that they must be reborn to enter into the kingdom of heaven, but they did not perceive this. The previous-Israel  did not know that they became a part of the gentiles by worshipping the gentiles gods, and treated Jesus as a sinner and crucified him. 

At the First Coming, Jesus sowed the seed of God which was the secrets of heaven, and made a new covenant with his blood that he will return to reap the fruits of the seeds that were sown (Mt 13:24-30, Mt 26:26-29, Heb 8:10) as he took up the sins of all the people and left. This is the era of the gospel of heaven established through Jesus and the twelve disciples, the era of Spiritual Israel.

 Betrayal of Spiritual Israel, and Creation of New Spiritual Israel
Jesus left in the clouds and said, ‘Will I find faith on the earth when I return?’ (Lk 18:8). Spiritual Israel (era of the previous-heaven) that began through Jesus at the First Coming came to its end as  it became corrupt (Mt 24:29, Rv 6), and God’s new kingdom is created in today’s era of the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming, through the Promised Pastor (the one who overcomes in Rv 2, 3, the messenger who speaks on behalf of Jesus in Rv 22:16). This is New Spiritual Israel (era of the latter-heaven).

After his Ascension, Jesus gave us the Book of Revelation through his disciple, John. This book is a comprehensive summary of the New Testament and what was to be fulfilled in the future. In today’s era, about 2,000 years after, the promises of Revelation were fulfilled at the ends of the earth, in Republic of Korea in the East in Asia. Jesus sent his messenger for the churches to testify to these (the fulfillment of Revelation) (Rv 22:16).In the Book of Revelation, there are the events of harvesting (Rv 14) and sealing (Rv 7). A new kingdom is created through the firstfruits who are gathered through such events (Rv 14:1-5). But in Republic of Korea, a land overflowing with grace, the winds of sin and evil are blowing ever so strongly as the dragon’s pastors under the heavens are all gathered there (Rv 16). For this reason, the winds of sin and wickedness are blowing the most strongly here at this place where grace is overflowing. Evil spirits and their pastors do not stop using every possible means to carry out their wickedness. They have no concern for God, or Jesus, or their will, or the promises of the Bible.
At the end of the age, the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands represents all the Spiritual Israelites (Rv 1:20)—otherwise referred to as the tabernacle of heaven in Rv 13:6. This tabernacle received the mark from the pastors of the gentile gods (the group of the dragon, the beast with seven heads and ten horns) on their foreheads and hands, and they worshiped those pastors. This event caused the stones (churches) of the temple to be thrown down with no stone left on another. The chosen people, who were like the sun, moon, and stars, and who were once part of the tabernacle of heaven, were expelled from heaven because of their sin ofbecoming one with the gentile gods (Rv 6; Rv 13). Furthermore, all nations fell by becoming one with the gentiles and by drinking the wine of adulteries (Rv 17; Rv 18). Today’s Spiritual Israelites claim to have received the holy spirit, and they think of themselves as God’s chosen people and the orthodoxy, despite betraying God and being one with the gentile dragon. Although the Lord has sent his messenger who speaks on behalf for the churches, the Spiritual Israelites are accusing him of being a heretic.
They were defeated by the word of truth, the word of testimony (Rv 12). It has been plainly revealed that they are the pastors of Satan. They sinned against God by betraying Him. They accepted the mark from the dragon and worshiped him. They drank the wine of adulteries, and all nations fell because of this wine. God had already left them, and they were expelled from heaven (Rv 6). The Spiritual Israelites, however, do not realize such situations. They are stubborn in claiming to be the orthodoxy. Today is no different from the times of Adam, Noah, Moses, and Jesus’ First Coming.
The corrupt generation passed away and a new generation began in each and every era. Today, too, a corrupt generation (Spiritual Israel) came to an end as promised in the New Testament, and a new generation began. New Spiritual Israel has begun as it fought and overcame the dragon (Rv 12). The twelve tribes have been established by harvesting and being sealed according to the promises. This is the kingdom of promise. This is the new kingdom purchased by the blood of Jesus. Those who perceive this will obtain salvation.
Shinchonji: Healing All Nations


[24 Q&A] 3. Biologists advocate human beings are the outcome of a long process of evolution. How is this different from God’s creation of humans? Are not humans or living creatures a consequence of evolution?

3. Biologists advocate human beings are the outcome of a long process of evolution. How is this different from God’s creation of humans? Are not humans or living creatures a consequence of evolution?

Humans and other living things are not the result of evolution but change. Then one may ask why there was a change. A color is one color, but when two colors are mixed, the result is not the same as the original color. The chick born of a mixed breeding of a native and foreign chicken is not the same as the parent chicken. The chick would be a half-half hybrid of the native and foreign breeds. What the true God has created is always the same. Yet, since there are two kinds of gods in this world, there are those who are born of another god and have become something different.

For example, the faces of identical twins are almost the same. Although the environment and the atmosphere each twin is exposed to are different, because the genetic information of the twins when they are created by a man and a woman are the same, the faces of the twins look the same. However, the face of the child born afterwards is different. The reason for this is the difference of accumulated sin and aging.
It is not evolution. When evil entered into the first man, a living spirit (life), the color and behavior of men became mixed and changed. Men began to resemble the image of two gods; however, when the Creator, who is life, returns, all men and creation will be restored to their original state. This change occurred because of the evil god.



[Shinchonji News] Shinchonji community service lights up the darkened world

Shinchonji community service lights up the darkened world and strives to brighten the world with Heaven's sharing and collaboration.

Bartholomew tribe's Kangsuh, Bucheon, Gimpo, and Gwangmyung's community service include ensuring students' safely on the roads, free haircuts, blood donation, rummage sale, and recovering construction service. Also, when there was an oil spill at Tae Ahn Beach, the community service group volunteered to help with bare foot and hands. Not only that, the group volunteered to help the working foreigners by giving ear acupuncture, massage, and chiropractics.

The Volunteer Community Service Group's services started from minor deeds like picking up trash and kept going until we can express our love and hope for their effort. By doing this, we hope to move each and every one person with God's love.


[24 Q&A] 2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?

2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?One cannot say a king does not exist simply because he has not seen him in the palace. The proof God created all things is creation itself. How can anything grow if there is no seed and how can anything sprout if nothing has been planted?

The Creator is life and the words of God, who is life, become the seed to create all things (Lk 8:11; Jn 1:1-4). The creation of heaven and the earth is like the son existing because the father exists. The son knows his father. The reason why a son may not know his father is because he is not the son.



[24 Q&A] 1. How can you prove God’s existence?

1. How can you prove God’s existence?
Why doesn’t God clearly reveal himself?

Looking at oneself gives proof of God’s existence. God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies.There are two kinds of gods or spirits: God the creator, who is life, and an evil spirit, who is a created being.Each kind of god has both a parent-god and a child-god. The god who exists inside of a person is the child-god. A person (body) is like the house for a god.A god is a spirit and the soul is life. Even if the god leaves, a person is able to breathe and live if he still has the soul. When both the god and the soul leave, the person dies. However, even if a body is dead, the spirit is still alive. We cannot know God if we do not know about religion. Man (Adam), who was created and was the child-god of the Creator (Acts 17:29), became a living spirit after receiving the breath of life (Gn 2). However, as a result of receiving the evil spirit of the dragon, who is a created being, the living spirit and the evil spirit became one. This caused confusion, anxiety, and pain. The soul and the spirit left, the flesh returned to the dust and became dust (Gn 3).People who are born with the genes of the first man (Adam) are the people who have been living on this earth until today. When man, who is the child-god of God, receives another god, the parent-god, who gives life, leaves and after living the life they are left with, the man dies.As a result of inherited sin and personal sin accumulating on top of original sin; sin increased and our lifespan became shorter (Gn 6:1-3; Ps 90:10). Because evil entered into life, pain and death also came into existence. By receiving another god, sin was committed and because of this sin, the holy God of life left men. The parent-god cannot come to people because of sin and people cannot go to the parent-god because of sin. This is how there came to be a division between heaven and hell.Confirmation: I am dreaming. My spirit (god) that looks like me comes out from me, goes far away and wanders around. The spirit wanders around and is able to see and hear. My body’s soul, which is still within the body, is not dead and is still breathing. The spirit (god) and soul (life) are separated. The spirit which left even has the ability to fly. The soul which remains in my body lies still and breathes. When the soul (body), which is the house of the spirit, is shaken, the spirit comes back immediately. The spirit then lets the soul know what it has seen and heard. The child-god cannot receive help from the parent-god as a result of sin. One cannot know God through worldly knowledge or wisdom.Since there are two kinds of gods, which give two kinds of thoughts of the heart, it causes confusion; and after suffering under this kind of captivity and pressure, the spirit leaves, the soul also leaves and only the body (house) is left to return to the ground.Heavenly religion belongs to the parent-god and it is education which is given to the child-god. This education provides a way for the child-god to meet the parent-god and receive the breath of life. The spirit, which became a living spirit as a result receiving of the breath of life, became a dying spirit and soul as a result of receiving an evil spirit. How does it cause death? It sends all kinds of illnesses and destroys the inner parts of the body (house). Because the house is destroyed, the spirit leaves. By understanding religion, escaping from the evil spirit, and believing in the parent-god, who helps people to become living spirits, the body will be judged and die because of the original sin, hereditary sin, and personal sin, but the spirit will live by being encouraged through faith. This is due to a separation between the child-god and the evil spirit, which was with the child-god.In order to save mankind, who is in this kind of state from the evil god, first the cost of sin must be paid (with the blood of a righteous man). The evil god must be overcome and one must overcome oneself. This is when one is able to find oneself once again, escape from the evil god and become one with the parent-god, who is the Creator and life. This is the path of religion. This does not occur simply by wishing for it, but rather, it is possible through the one who gives us the path and life (religion). It is similar to a reunification where an orphan finds and drinks the breast milk of his mother.I have seen the God of heaven, have heard his voice, dreamed dreams and have experienced the spirit and the soul leaving my body. I have also experienced the spirit and the soul leaving and returning (to the body, which is the house of flesh) twice.Both times I tried hard not to die. After the spirit and soul left, I did not think at all about the body, which was the house. With the same outfit I wore while I was alive, I was traveling somewhere on earth. This happened when I was walking on a path by myself. I do not remember for how long I had left the flesh. I was going far away and the moment I thought about the body, I was back in the body and came back to life again.Conclusion: The proof of the parent-god is to look at oneself, who is a child-god. How can the son say the father does not exist because he has not seen him? The reason why the parent-god does not show himself is because the child-god has committed sin by uniting with another god. This is why the parent-god (holy spirit) has been groaning (Rom 8:19-27). If I wrote based on the evidence recorded in the Bible, I would have a lot more to say; but I have explained, as you can see above, so people who do not believe would also be able to understand.


[24 Q&A] 24 answers of wisdom given by Chariman Man Hee Lee

Photo caption: Chairman Lee Byoungchul and Chariman Lee Manhee24 questions of wisdom asked by Chairman Byoungchul Lee, founder of Samsung- answers of wisdom given by Chariman Manhee Lee The Joongang Daily News published an article on December 17, 2011, which listed a series of questions the late founder of the Samsung Group, Byeongcheol Lee, asked about religion. The bold-print, front-page article has since drawn a lot of attention around Korea because Mr. Lee directed his 24 questions concerning religion, to a catholic priest a month before he passed.The world is paying careful attention, not only because the questions were asked by one of the top leaders in the global economy, but also because no one has been able to properly answer them for the last twenty-four years.The following article provides clear and definitive answers to Lee’s 24 questions about religion. It has been 24 years since these questions were asked, but the answers are finally being proclaimed to the public. Now the people of the world can find the truth they have been seeking.Religion and the mindset of the worldThere are two kinds of entities in the spiritual world. Of the two, I respect God and those who belong to him. In the physical world, I would like to acknowledge the Buddha, the eastern prophet Nam Sa Go, the Buddhist monk Seongcheol and Samsung’s Lee Byeongcheol because they are honest.Just as the Buddha questioned religion as he agonized over the difficulties of life, Lee Byeongcheol asked his questions about religion in emotional pain as he faced death. Neither of them had the ability to answer their own questions. The Buddha and Nam Sa Go could only speak about what they knew. Before we talk about God, we must first understand the origin of religion. Who can answer questions such as these correctly (1 Cor 2:10)?


[Shinchonji Truth] The Betrayers, Destroyers, and the Savior in the New Testaments

Main reference: 2 Thes 2:1-12 (Rv 13, 12, 17)

Who are the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior in the New Testament? When and where do they appear? One cannot attain salvation unless he knows the true identities of these three entities.

At the time of Adam, the betrayers were Adam and Eve. The destroyer was the snake, and the savior was Noah. At the time of Jesus’ First Coming, the betrayers were Judah and Jerusalem (the chosen people). The destroyers were the snakes, the Pharisees (Mt 23:33). The savior was Jesus. At the time of the Lord’s Second Coming, the betrayers are the chosen people of the tabernacle of heaven (Rv 13). The destroyers are the pastors from the Stewardship Education Center. The savior is the one who overcomes (Rv 2, 3, 12).
Just as it was in the times of Adam and Jesus’ First Coming, the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation at the Second Coming—at the time of the New Testament’s fulfillment—all take place within one era. Those who know this will recognize it, but those who do not know this will not be able to. In addition, history and eras change due to these events, and thus, the changed history and eras serve as testimonies that testify about the betrayal, destruction, and salvation. The events of the betrayal, destruction, and salvation were prophesied, and these prophecies have been proclaimed for a long period of time. The New Testament has been proclaimed for about 2,000 years since Jesus’ First Coming. When these events fulfilled, however, they did within a short period of time. Furthermore, the events took place in one location. God, Jesus, and heaven have also come to one place. How can the people of the world fathom this?

The prophecies concerning this betrayal, destruction, and salvation have been preached to the ends of the earth (Mt 24:14). Since what was yet to be fulfilled was proclaimed to the whole world, what has been fulfilled must also be made known to the whole world. How many people in this world would know this fulfillment of the prophecies through the Bible? And how many would be anticipating this fulfillment?

It is inevitable that one world passes away and another comes. The new world must become fruitful, increase in number, subdue this world, and rule over it. This is the work that must soon take place in each era, and it is the work of healing of all nations. There is only one place—the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Revelation 15 where those who have been victorious are gathered—that all nations in this world must go to and worship. There is only one pastor, the one who overcomes, that plays the role of the savior and that has received the scroll of the revealed word. What is more, there is also only one place, the twelve tribes of Mount Zion, where people are harvested to, and where the new song (the seminary of revelation, the revealed word that testifies about the physical fulfillment) is taught and learned. This is also the only place where the will of God is fulfilled here on earth as it is in heaven. It is only the Mount Zion center (Zion Christian Mission Center) where the tree of life yielding twelve kinds of fruit every month is. It is also only this place, the twelve tribes of Mount Zion, upon which God, Jesus, and the heaven of the spiritual realm have descended.    

In this era (of Revelation), who are the betrayers? How can we know if someone is a betrayer or not? The betrayer was the tabernacle that initially belonged to God. The tabernacle is otherwise referred to as a church or a temple. This temple was the tabernacle that prepared the way, which God appointed as the representative of all the churches. In order to interfere with this, Satan (Satan’s pastor) enters into this tabernacle. He becomes a member of this tabernacle just like Nicolas at the time of the First Coming (Acts 6:5). He first follows the messengers of the Tabernacle Temple, but his true nature is revealed later. This pastor of Satan deceives the messengers (the pastors) of the tabernacle. He also teaches the congregation members his own doctrines (the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil) just as in the time of Adam. The pastors and the congregation members of the tabernacle fail to keep the word of God. They get deceived by Satan just as Adam was, and as a result, they become submissive to Satan. It was the New Testament, the words of the book of Revelation that the believers should have kept at this time.

The chosen people at the tabernacle were deceived just as recorded in Revelation 2. Nicolas, the pastor of Satan, brought gentile pastors (the group of the dragon, the beast with seven heads and ten horns) to the tabernacle just as illustrated in Revelation 9. In doing so, this pastor of Satan seized the ecclesiastical authority, the tabernacle, and its congregation members for his own. This is how the chosen people were deceived and came to betray God, as in accordance with Revelation 13; and because they betrayed, the chosen were destroyed by the deceivers in this chapter. The destroyers are those who did the work of deceiving and destroying, just as Revelation 2 and 13 explain. Deuteronomy 28 expresses that there are seven pastors who destroy, and there are also seven messengers (seven stars) who are destroyed. The congregation members who followed these seven messengers (pastors) betrayed God the same by following their seven pastors. The church and the congregation members then became the possessions of the destroyers. In this way, one can get to know the identities of the betrayers and the destroyers. In other words, the betrayers and the destroyers have appeared in accordance with the Bible (the prophecies), and the events of betrayal and destruction have also taken place in accordance with the Bible. The evidence to prove this is this very word (the prophecies) and the physical realities that have appeared in accordance with it.

In the midst of the destruction of God’s tabernacle churches, who is the savior? The savior is the one who appears in Revelation 12. He is the one who has seen the betrayers and the destroyers in the location of Revelation 13, and the one who testifies about these events. In the location where these events (all the chapters of Revelation) occurred, a male child was spiritually born from God’s pastor in front of the pastor (of the dragon) with the seven heads and ten horns. This male child, along with the brothers who became one with him, fought against and overcame the enemies, the pastors from the dragon’s group, with the promised blood of Jesus and the word of their testimonies—what they have seen and heard. The dragon was expelled, and then came salvation and the kingdom of God. This is the proof that the male child is the savior (Rv 12:10-11).   
This one who overcomes receives the blessings promised in Revelation 2 and 3. It is through those blessings that he can save, rule over, and judge all nations.

If their actions and order of appearance (of the betrayers, destroyers, and the savior) are identical to the prophecies, then they must be the physical realities of the prophecies. Whether it is the betrayers or the destroyers, whoever is defeated in the war scatters and flees into seven directions (Dt 28). The one who is victorious, in contrast, becomes New Israel and establishes the twelve tribes. This is what the book of Revelation in the New Testament testifies (Rv 2-3, 7, 12). The entire book of Revelation is concerning the events of the betrayers, destroyers, and the savior. Hence, Revelation is enough evidence to testify about these entities.
For such reasons, in order to attain faith, one must first know (the book of) Revelation, and also the physical entities at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.

The sixty six books of the Bible and the 6,000 years of God’s work come to their grand finale as Revelation is fulfilled. The eternal kingdom of God, heaven, is also fulfilled here on earth. Those who believe in this and are sealed will live with the Lord for eternity in this place (Rv 21:1-4; 22:1-5).


Shinchonji: Healing All Nations


[Shinchonji News] Shinchonji Su-won Church's Visit to the Senior Citizen Center on Parents' Day


 In commemoration of Parents' Day, Shinehonji Su-won church performed good deeds called 'The Sharon Flower Wearing Event'.
This occasion was motivated by the spirit of wishing for the longevity of local senior citizens and respecting for thm.
In the meantime they also donated 200 Sharon flower corsages to another local Parents' Day event. Other activities by them include wall painting, volunteering in the arts as well as hair cutting services and hand & foot massages for the local senior citizens.


[Shinchonji News] "Great Enlightenment in a Week"… The Successful End of Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar

‘The Open Bible Seminar Lead by the Advocate' held at the Olympic Park on 6~7 May has ended in great success. Two-day seminar was made up of 4 sessions, which was two times a day, 2pm and 7pm.
The final session on 7, 7pm had reached its peak with the chairman Lee Man Hee's personal lecture. He emphasized that he had witnessed the whole event of the book of Revelation and that is the reason why he is such confident about his testimony. And he said, "My purpose of walking on the life of faith is to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whoever wants to attain salvation should not judge by his own arbitrary thought but be reborn with this words."

Foreign press showed great interest in this seminar with the participation of foreign ministers. In great eagerness to be part of this world peace movement, they also made a 'Peace T-shirt' stamped with their own hand prints.
A person concerned said that Shinchonji had already forgiven all the persecutions of the pastors and it is not too late for the believers to verify if what has been testified from Shinchonji is true and to attain salvation.


[Shinchonji News] Fulfillment of God's will proclaimed at Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar lead by the Advocate

On 6~7 May 2013, Shinchonji Church of Jesus has held the Open Bible Seminar regarding the accomplishment of the New Testament at the Olympic Park in Seoul.
In the final lecture, the Advocate Mr. Lee Man Hee has preached regarding the fulfillment of the book of Revelation.


[Shinchonji News] The Advocate, Mr.Man Hee Lee at the Open Bible Seminar of Shinchonji

The Open Bible Seminar is being held by Shinchonji Church of Jesus at Seoul Olympic Park from 6 to 7 May.
On the first day, there have been two lectures at 2pm and 7pm regarding ' The Reality of Two Kinds of Trees in the Bible' and 'Two types of Seeds'(God' seed vs Satan' seed) respectively.
You can also watch this unprecedented scene by God live on www.scj.tv.


[Shinchonji News] 6~7 MAY 2013 Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar

 The Advocate promised in the New Testament has come!
Come and listen to his words! You will surely quench your spiritual thirst!

What: Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar
When: 6~7 May, 2pm & 7pm
Where: Olympic Park, Seoul, South Korea

You can also watch the seminar live on http://bible.shinchonji.tv in Korean.


[Shinchonji News] 6~7 MAY 2013 Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar by the Advocate

This is the flash mob advertising Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar. Enjoy it with us!

Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar is going to be held on May 6 – 7, 2013 in Seoul, South Korea. The Seminars will be at 2pm and 7pm each day and they will be held around Olympic Park.

You can watch the seminar live on http://www.scjbible.tv in Korean.

If you would like to attend this seminar there will be translation available in whatever language you may require.


[About Shinchonji] Visit Shinchonji TV and get the true understanding of God's will!

By visiting http://scjbible.tv , you can experience the unprecedented revealing of God's will by the promised pastor, Mr. Lee Man Hee.

[Words from Shinchonji] Religion and today’s reality

Every one of the world’s religions (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Confucianism, etc.) has a text from which it teaches. None of these religions, however, can claim to have mastered their respective scriptures. If people do not know all of their scriptures, they do not have a full understanding. If they do not have a full understanding, they cannot have faith in the true meaning of the text. This is why many who seek the truth have been anticipating the appearance of the “jeong do ryeong” [NB: jeong do ryeong means “spirit of the true path”] and of the “god of heaven.” This “god of heaven,” according to several texts from eastern prophets, is the lord of all religions. Christians, however, await the spirit of truth (Jn 15:26; Jn 16:13). Jeong do ryeong is another name for the spirit of truth. Jesus told us in Rev 2-3 about people in the end times who lack ears to hear the words of the spirit. Even if the spirit of truth comes, then, how can people who do not have ears to hear the words of the spirit hear and properly understand?
Believers await the spirit of the truth, the Counselor, because the scriptures promise that it will be sent (Jn 14:25-26; Jn 16). No one can teach others to follow the right path (i.e. the truth) unless the promised spirit of truth, the Counselor, comes and testifies about it.

Contrary to the rumors being circulated by groups persecuting Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) as a cult, we have never claimed that Matt 24 is the only chapter in the Bible concerning the end of the age. Let us examine what occurred at the time of the first coming. Just as it is written in Isa 29:9-13, the Bible was a sealed scroll, the true meaning of which no one could know. Why? Their pastors had become blind (Isa 42:18-19; Matt 15:14). It was then that Jesus came and opened the sealed scroll. As Jesus was preaching the words from the opened scroll (i.e. the word of revelation), the people of the day, who only learned the Bible through the teachings of men, persecuted Jesus as a cult leader or as the devil himself (Jn 8). In the same way, the spirit of truth, the Counselor, has come today and has revealed the sealed scroll of Rev 5. Now, although the spirit of truth is been testifying about the revealed word through one person, people denounce the revealed word as heresy and the person who preaches it as a cult leader. This is happening again because people have neither seen the revealed word nor have they heard of it before. It happens again despite the fact that God and Jesus clearly promised to send the spirit of truth (the Counselor) and the revealed word of God’s scroll (Jn 14:16; Jn 14:26; Matt 11:27; Rev 10).

The spirit of truth has come upon on Shinchonji Church of Jesus and Shinchonji is proclaiming that truth. Instead of persecuting, people should first listen to the word of revelation and verify using the Bible whether what they are hearing is true. Anyone who does this will be able to understand. Those who understand and believe will receive the greatest blessings (Jn 14:29; Rev 1:1-3).

SCJ TV    http://scjbible.tv