
[Shinchonji Quotes] The Word of Life written by the chosen pastor Man Hee Lee

... All people on earth today (believers) know the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but they do not know the New Testament, just as Revelation 5 explains. Since no one know, not even one person, believers have only taught and learned the teachings of man. They come close to the Lord with their lips, but their hearts are far from the Lord.

What believers today must know is not the Old Testament, but the New Testament and its revelation. Believers have been under the fulfillment of the Old Testament until the faith of the New Testament, which should be revealed, comes. But when the faith of the revelation in the New Testament comes, they will no longer be under the supervision of the Old Testament fulfillment, but they will dwell in the faith of the revelation in the New Testament. One will complete his life of faith by believing in the revelation of the New Testament. This is why the scripture says if one adds to and/or subtracts from Revelation, he will be unable to go to heaven and will be cursed(Rv22:18~19). Is this word a lie? Ask yourself. Ask yourself whether you have added or subtracted from revelation.

The promised pastor in Shinchonji has received the revelation of heaven according to Revelation 10. He is making known this revelation just as he was commanded to do. Whoever goes against this and does not like the promise revelation does so because the spirit of the devil is inside them. The reason why the spirit of the devil is inside is because they are born again of God's seed, will God's spirit, the holy spirit, be able to dwell with them.

The word in the beginning is God, and it is life. God's seed of life is God's word (Lk8:11). Those who are born of God's seed are God's sons(children), and they are qualified to call God, Father. These people are not the old self, but they are the re-born new creations and the people of God's kingdom (heaven). All saints must enter into the word of the revelation in the New Testament, and they must become God's family, in order to be qualified to go to heaven.

If anyone thinks they are carrying out a true life of faith, and they are qualified to go to heaven, they will be able to know whether their spirit is in darkness/night or in light/day, by taking a test with the words of the revelation in the New Testament (1The 5). Are you confident about this test?

The true promised pastor, who received the revelation - the living bread from heaven - prays for all people that they will receive the revelation, and will become the family of heaven by understanding and believing in the true will of heaven.

Source: Healing All Nations


[24 Q&A] 5. If God loves people, why does he allow pain, unhappiness and death?

5. If God loves people, shy does he allow pain, unhappiness and death?

Mr. Lee, you are saying this because you do not understand the meaning of the religion. There are two kinds of gods. One is the Creator, who is life and the other is an evil god, who is a created being. Of course, the Creator loves all creation because he created it. The evil god, who is a created being, makes all creation suffer because he did not  create them. He makes people blame God just like Mr. Lee.

Then who is this evil god, the created being? In the spiritual world, there are four cherubs (four living creature, four archangels); one of the cherubs (archangel), who was in charge of one-fourth of the troops, rebelled against God and became an evil god (Satan, devil). He tried to throw the true God out and make himself God. This was the traitor, the devil, who took away the shole world created by God, and he has been ruling over it.

The way the true God, who is the Creator, makes this fact known to the people is through the Bible. As written in the answer to the fourth question, someday the true God, the Creator, will come and restore everything to its original state. The pain people suffer is not given by the true God, the Creator, rather it is given by the traitor, the evil god.

For more information regarding the true word of God, go to http://www.scjbible.tv/


[Shinchonji Quotes] The Significance of Four Gospels by Man Hee Lee

The Creator God Father had chosen the prophets to record the old and the new testaments on behalf of God. It means that the writer of the Bible including 4 gospels is God himself and thus it must deal with the thoughts and will of God.

The term, 4 gospels, refers to four books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John especially regarding the traces and words of Jesus. The thing that four of them deal with the performances of Jesus in so similar a tone proves us that the events recorded in 4 gospels are the actual historical events. And it allows us to see Jesus' life in more comprehensive and multidimensional way.

Among 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke are called as 'the synoptic Gospels' since they are written on the similar format and perspectives. On the other hand, the book of John deals with more spiritual contents than the others and also mentions about the Counselor.

The thing that 4 gospels mostly cover the fulfillment of the old testament confirms us that 'The bible is the words which are still in motion to prove God's existence..' as well as 'The writer God is working alive.'.Not only that, it also suggests that Jesus is the Messiah, who was promised by God in the old testament Furthermore, it makes us believe that promises in the New Testament are also to be fulfilled just as the old one was.

These elements characterize the 4 Gospels as the answers for the old testament and the stepping-stone which connects between the old testament and the new testament. Also it plays the role of the backbone of the Christianity and of the guidance to the kingdom of heaven. Saints can never think light of the 4 Gospels.

The spiritual state of the second coming of Jesus is no other than the one of the first coming.(Rev11:8) What is to come is of more importance than what has already passed by. We should set the past events as the mirror to view ourselves. Doing this, we should try to realize well what is yet to be fulfilled not to repeat the mistake of the Jews.

Jesus has revealed the secrets of Heaven in 4 gospels(Mt13:34~35) and asserted that anyone who does not understand the true meaning of the parables will not be forsaken nor be God's children.(Mk4:10~13) Even though now is the time for the secret of the kingdom of heaven to be revealed. plainly, we will be the ones who have nothing to do with God's kingdom of heaven unless we try our best to realize the true meaning of them.
Now is the time for everyone to repent and come into the word of God.

I pray that those who read this article are sure to verify the promises and the fulfillment of the old testament and further to keep the new promise of Jesus who is to come the second time.

Shinchonji is now proclaiming the physical fulfillment of the new testament exactly based on the bible, which has taken place in Gwa-cheon in South Korea. 

Source: The Preface of 'The Acts of Jesus Christ' by Man Hee Lee of Shinchonji Church of Jesus


[Shinchonji To the World] Chairman Man Hee Lee, the God's Trumpet

The movement of 'Dong-Seong-Seo-Haeng' by the chairman Man Hee Lee of Shinchonji, which means  'What's fulfilled in the East travels to the West' has brougt about huge sensation in Europe since the chariman Lee had visited Europe to preach the revealed word of Shinchonji. Receiving tons of requests from the European pastors to visit the seminars in their own countries, Shinchonji opened the website http://www.scjbible.tv/ and http://www.scjbible.eu/  for those who are interested in the revealed word of Shinchonji  to get easier access to the open bible of Shinchonji.

It provides the contents ranging from the video clips of the open bible lecture of Shinchonji to the video footages regarding major events of 12 tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus.

The contents are also available in milti-languages such as Koean, English and Germany at http://www.scjbible.tv/ and in French and Italian at http://www.scjbible.eu/.


[Shinchonji Quotes] Is the Chairman Man Hee Lee a Cult Leader?

What is religion? In Chinese character(宗敎), it is analyzed as 'To show the will of God, who is the father in heaven and teach the way how to do the filial duty to him'. On that note, what true religion is not to fulfill man's will but God's will. That is why the master of the religion is God. A man cannot be the owner of a religion.If a man blames somebody for being the leader of a specific denomination, he proves himself not knowing the true meaning of the word 'religion'. 

2000 years ago, Jesus came onto the earth as the chosen pastor(Lk1:32) and said,"I and the Father are one(Jn10:35). and Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father(Jn14:9). It was because the Spirit of God was dwelling within Jesus himself. However, the Jews misunderstood what Jesus truly meant and it led them to persecute Jesus as being blasphemy.

That is the same with today's case. Even though people criticize Lee Man Hee, the chairman of Shinchonji as being the leader of Shinchonji, that surely is not the case. Just as Jesus was the chosen pastor, who was sent by God(Jn17:8) to testify the fulfillment of the old testament, the chairman Man Hee Lee is also the pastor chosen by God to deliver the fulfillment of the book of revelation. 
Fulfilling what he had been commanded by God, he has overcome Satan and finally become qualified for receiving all the inheritance from God just as recorded in Rv. 2 and 3. 
He never claimed himself as Jesus nor God. He is none other than the chosen pastor, within whom God and Jesus is dwelling to perform God's will. As mentioned from above, a man can never be the owner of a religion.

If you truly understand the meaning of the phrase from Mt23:39 that 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.', you might not wonder about why Shinchonji is testifying about the one and only chosen pastor fulfilling God's will. 
Come and hear the testimony of Shinchonji in person, and you will get a clear understanding of what is true. 

For more information visit  www.scjbible.tv