
[Bible Facts] Come and taste the hidden manna at Shinchonji!

What is the true reality of FAMINE and FOOD in accordance with the Bible?

1. Old Testament
> Prophecy: the famine to come
Am8:11~12 ... not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD ...
> Fulfillment: Jesus,the reality of the bread of life in times of famine
Jn6:48~63 Jesus: the bread of life
2. New Testament
> Prophecy: the famine to come
Mt24:7 famines and earthquakes in various places
> Fulfillment: Hidden manna(food at the proper time) given by the one who overcomes in times of famine
Rev2:17  the hidden manna given by the one who overcomes
Mt24:45~47 food at the proper time given by the faithful and wise servant

2,000 years ago, it was the time of spiritual famine in accordance with the prophecy by Amos. The scroll was sealed up to the prophets or seers(Isa29:9~13), so that they were under the men's teachings. In those times, Jesus had come to preach the truth, that is, the bread of life from heaven. The believers, the Israelites should have been hungry or thirsty for the righteousness. However, they were filled with wrong things in their spirits, so that they ignored and even crucified Jesus on the cross.
In the same way, another famine is prophesied to come in the end times. At that time, the faithful and wise servant would feed the servants in the master's household with the food at the proper time. That is the revealed words, described as the hidden manna in Rev.2:17.
Now the appointed time has come and the faithful and wise servant promised in the Bible has appeared. He is Mr. Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. As the faithful servant, he is feeding all people on the earth with the revealed words.
To those who are filled with men's teachings, not with God's true will, we, Shinchonji people, suggest to come listen to the revealed words and verify whether they are from God based on the Bible.

We pray for all people to understand God's will and attain salvation!
SCJ TV  http://scjbible.tv


Heaven on the earth, Shinchonji Church of Jesus

All nations are gathering together in the newly created Kingdom of God, Shinchonji
They are gathering hand in hand
Shouts of victory shake heaven and earth.
To the kingdom of heaven, the people of heaven shout:  Hallelujah!


Open Bible Seminar of Shinchonji Church of Jesus

"Hearing what has never happened before and will never happen again is a blessing. Let us now really have God in our minds and reflect on ourselves too, and carry on our life of faith as according to the Bible, God's will."  - Chairman of Shinchonji, Man Hee Lee


[Shinchonji Graduation] Graduates who traveled on an 18-hour plane ride

Graduates participating from different countries around the world

▲ Site of the combined Shinchonji graduation of Seoul and Gyungki

600 foreign graduates from the United States, Japan, China, the Republic of South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, Swiss, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, Indonesia, Uzbekistan etc… from over 10 different countries came to Korea for this graduation, on Nov. 20, 2012.
600 foreign graduates from the United States, Japan, China, the Republic of South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, Swiss, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, Indonesia, Uzbekistan etc… from over 10 different countries came to Korea for this graduation.
Daniel and Julia, a married couple from Indonesia took a 10 day break from work to attend the graduation. In spite of their exhaustion that built up during their long travel hours and the harsh cold weather in a different country, the couple, still in joy, expressed how proud they were of becoming God’s first fruit.Andrew who came from Australia said, “It was my hope to hear the words of the chairman Man Hee Lee directly. This hope finally fulfilled today. I am so honored and thankful.” He couldn’t hide his excitement. He also said, “Before I received the word, I didn’t know much about Korea. After perceiving that the truth is flowing out from Korea, I wanted to learn more about Korea. I didn’t stop there, but I also wanted to learn Korean so that I can directly hear and perceive the Chairman’s sermons.” Zubeltulana who came from Uzbekistan expressed her thoughts saying, “I am envious of the many people in Korea who are able to easily encounter this precious word. As I am in Korea, I will diligently study and return back home to make known this precious word to my family and close friends who are living in my home country of Uzbekistan.”